African American Arts Institute

Upcoming Events
Continuing on

"THE ROAD to 50"


Join us for our 20th Annual Camp S.O.U.L. 2024 Finale Concert

Camp S.O.U.L.—Students Obtaining Unique musical Levels—integrates artistry and academics to encourage high school students to attend Indiana University and obtain the degree of their choice while increasing understanding and appreciation for their performance abilities and opportunities with the African American Arts Institute.

Friday, June 21, 2024 | Cedar Hall, 445 N. Union St. Bloomington, IN | 11AM

Learn more about Camp S.O.U.L.

We Celebrate and Honor Charles E. Sykes, D.M.E.

After 34 years of service, Dr. Charles Sykes will retire as the executive director of the African American Arts Institute (AAAI) at Indiana University. The African American Arts Institute is an integral part of why Indiana University is such a special place, and he has been instrumental in bringing the uniqueness and creativity that is the AAAI to so many people. His contributions and influence are a critical part of the institute’s history.

Learn more

AAAI Releases its first album!

Inspire Me is an album of 10 inspirational recorded by the award-winning African American Choral ensemble, composed and arranged by Raymond Wise, Ph.D.

Purchase NOW!

Performing Ensembles

African American Choral Ensemble

Directed by Raymond Wise

The African American Choral Ensemble features a broad repertoire of African American choral music including spirituals, Gospel, and formally composed works.

Learn about the Choral Ensemble

African American Dance Company

Directed by Stafford Berry

The African American Dance Company shares dance of the American and African diaspora including African styles, contemporary, jazz, and other cultural forms.

Learn about the Dance Company

IU Soul Revue

Directed by James Strong

Established in 1971, the IU Soul Revue performs post-World War II Black popular music, from timeless R&B, soul, and funk to hip hop and other contemporary music styles. The ensemble includes vocals, horns, and rhythm sections.

Learn about the Soul Revue

We promote and preserve Black culture through performance