Camp S.O.U.L.

A pre-college summer camp centered on African American music

Camp S.O.U.L.—Students Obtaining Unique musical Levels—integrates artistry and academics to encourage students to attend Indiana University and obtain the degree of their choice while increasing understanding and appreciation for their performance abilities and opportunities with the African American Arts Institute.

Talented high school students (vocalists, instrumentalists, spoken word artists, etc.) will be selected to spend six days studying African American art forms, including Negro spirituals, blues, jazz, gospel, R&B, soul, funk and hip-hop. Students will study with music professionals, IU faculty, staff, and graduate students while also learning how to prepare for college.

Camp S.O.U.L. will be held on June 15–20, 2025 on the IU Bloomington campus.

Camp S.O.U.L. Mission Statement

To create a unique musical environment centered in African American traditions by promoting unity, professionalism, discipline, self-respect, cultural awareness, and academic excellence that allows every student the opportunity to form a plan of action that will make their dreams and goals a reality.

Camp S.O.U.L. 2024 was held on June 16 – June 21 on the IU Bloomington campus. Click the button below to watch the final concert performance and to learn more.

Watch the Final Concert 2024

Ignoisco Miles, Camp S.O.U.L. Director

Ignoisco Miles is an artist and professional living in Los Angeles, California, where he is currently working as a Visual and Performing Arts instructor at ISANA Nascent Academy. He has gained hands-on experience practicing and teaching within Black performance traditions through his studies and work with Professor Tyron Cooper, former director of the IU Soul Revue and founder of Camp S.O.U.L. Miles holds a B.A. in Theatre and an M.A. in African American and African Diaspora Studies from Indiana University.

Miles has produced and directed two original plays, Identify Me and Happy Hour. He also assisted and directed the Groups Theatre Project, IU First Year Experience's orientation musical Welcome to College, and student production trilogy Emergent Theatre. Vocal Ensembles and groups, workshop organizers, and professional theater (including Chicago and the Five Heartbeats) producers seek Miles’ talent as a vocalist, actor, dancer, playwright, and director.

Musicians with Camp S.O.U.L.
A performer with Camp S.O.U.L.